Tuesday 24 August 2010

Emotions in Life

        Life is like an 'unsolved' puzzle. No one can define what life is because it is a very complex thing.
It is something that makes you happy and proud at times and makes you feel so low at times that you say to yourself, "What hell is this life!"
        In Life, in every moment, something new happens; something that you never expected, something that you were waiting from a long while to happen and something you were expecting to happen. It is a combination of happiness, sorrow, joy, love, anger, enjoyment, loneliness, fear, excitement and many other emotions.
      The definition of the word life can't be completed without using the word emotions. Some people work in emotions whereas others work with emotions. So it's very important to understand how people are using their emotions. If they are letting emotions get control over them, then they'll be dragged by others and situations all the time.But, if he is controlling his emotions in a proper way, then no one will ever have control over him.
      That is why undrstanding EQ or Emotional Quotient is very important. I just try to control my emotions to a level where things or situations remains under my control. At the same time I believe that displaying emotions is very important in a person's life , simply because it allows others to understand you in proper perspective. However it is also important to know that where and in front of whom you are displaying your emotions. Some persons may misuse your emotions and exploit you. So it is always better to supress your real emotions in front of such persons.
     The way a person uses his emotions is what we call attitude. Someone has correctly said, "Your attitude determines your altitude in life".
      Attitude is the way an individual uses his emotions and directly related to the psyche of a person. Some people use their emotions in a positive way and some people do it in a negative sense.
      It's up to an individual to decide how he uses his emotions.But whatever it is, it is real fun.

Thursday 12 August 2010

Why some people are so mean ?

 At times I wonder how mean people can become to create problems for others when they find that all other methods to achieve their vested interests have failed.... That is really surprising that when things are settled now ,still they are trying to create obstacles. I know this is not the kind of problem which only I am facing. This world is full of glaring examples.People like treading on other people, they try to outwit you all the time, but are probably only really jelous of you.
 ऐसा कहा जाता है कि मनुष्य अपने सद्गुणों के लिए कम और दुर्गुणों के लिए ज्यादा जाना जाता है. शयद इसी लिए ऐसे लोग अक्सर चर्चा का केंद्र बिंदु होते हैं. वे हमें नुक्सान  पहुचाएं या नहीं , हम उनके बारे में सोंचने के लिए मजबूर हो जाते हैं क्योंक वे मौके कि तलाश में रहते हैं. इसलिए हमें सावधान रहना पड़ता है.
But the bigger question is how to tackle such persons? In my the best way is that you cannot expect every person to be kind and gentle , at the same time if you can see mean people just move on , its nothing to stay back and worry .And most important ,you  should not be mean and unfriendly ,