Saturday 20 April 2013

Child rape in Delhi- The shame capital of India

 It is horrible, It is beyond imagination that someone can go so far in terms of cruality with a 5 year old girl. The culprit, in my view, must be a mentally insane , perverted person. Such kind of crimes should be unacceptable in a civilized society. Exemplary punishment is need of hour.
            More disturbing is the behavior of police towards victims and her family. They displayed complete lack of sensibilities and extreme degree of negligence with malafide intention. They should have been dismissed from service.
              However for me , more important is the fact that the family of victim are very poor, and this the main reason that they failed to get support of system on time. Had it been a case of VIP daughters , all the state machinery would have swung into action within no time and she would have been recovered within hours.
               That is why, I always say that India is for the VIPs only. They are above law. All system resources are reserved for them. No police officers will touch them , even if they commit a crime. They can crush poor people sleeping on pavement by their foreign made car, but police will help them to escape from clutches of law.
              VIPs and their sons/daughters never care for traffic regulations. They can park their vehicle at no parking zones. But traffic officials will not fine them.
We the people of India are destined to suffer , we suffered during Britsh raj and after independence , our own elected representatives are exploiting and torturing us.
                If such crime can happen regularly in Delhi, then one can imagine the scene at small towns and villages across India.
              And for Delhi, It is not only the capital of India but more appropriately...
                                       SHAME CAPITAL OF INDIA.

Saturday 13 April 2013

Turning 50 year old !

Celebrating 20th anniversary of my 30th Birthday. Wow ! What a way to describe the 50th birthday. No doubt , Completing 50 years of  life certainly is momentous, a big milestone. It is time of celebration and also a time  to evaluate what is important and what is not, in next part of my life.

         I can feel happy, for the simple reason that I am healthy. Living in this world, full of pollution and also with not so good food habit,it is by no means a big achievement if you turn 50 and you are not on  any single daily dosage of any kind of drug. That makes me feel happy, satisfied and it is inspiring for me also. So I take a pledege today that 50 onwards, it will be my duty to take full care of my body by increasing physcical activities and also with balanced diet.

        Turning 50 is a great occassion. I know , one part of my life has ended and I have entered into second and final part of my life. It gives me  a chance to look back into my life, my achievements, my failures , both have contributed a lot in shaping my life. I know, I have a number of great and good friends , who have stood with me in every season of life, they have done a lot for me, I lose my words when I try to explian their role in my well being. THERE IS NOTHING BETTER THEN A TRUE FRIEND IN YOUR LIFE.

         I also know , I have a bunch of enemies too. Their role I can't underestimate..It is said that however bad a man, he will have some friends: however good, he will have some enemies.I know, You can't have only friends in your life, some Nonfriends or enemies are always in your life.

       As I grow old, I think objectives of my life may be changing but it is my duty to make it more purposeful and beautiful.

       At 50 now, I find life richer and fuller than ever, and I can still run four K.M. any time, (and , in lighter vein, hope still today some young women can hit me !! :-) ).

       I know I am moving towards something very good, and MOST IMORTANT we all go there anyway.

      So it is party time for me and all my friends ... Let us enjoy !!