Saturday 13 October 2007

Nuiances on Nuclear deal

we have now seen a complete turnaround of all those people who matters in today governance in India. It is shame ful for the Chief executive Office, read PM, of largest democracy of the world to openly bacvktrack on an international agreement and that to simply save his government. This is ridiculous as the next election are just 20 months away. So to just hang on power for pity 20 months they are bent upon tarnishing the country' image in the world.
Now the question of benefits of this agreement . Everyone can understand a next Atomic test is not in our agenda and neither this is beneficial for us even in stratagic sense. Even Left had in past clearly held the view that India should not conduct a test. What we require is massive development efforts to overcome problems like poverty, unemployment etc. and that is possible only if we go for nuclear energy. We are still a nuclear untoucjable in the eyes of world and no one even our friend Russia is going to transfer nuclear technology to India.
So we donot have any option then to go for this agreement. are the leaders listening ?

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