Thursday 30 July 2009

Life's crisis & friends

Over the years, I have discovered life is a journey, a pilgrimage, a sacred adventure. Within everyone’s inner solitude, there is that bright and warm hearth where the spirit dwells waiting to be roused.

Each of us from time to time experience crises from different life changing events and transitions, all unpredictable moments arriving and intruding into our “well groomed” lives. We didn’t ask for this interference and we wonder why it has arrived bringing with it havoc and confusion. BUT no matter what the source, each crisis has a common bond…a threshold.

And that threshold can be crossed easily if we have a true , really intimate friend who provide us emotional support throughout this crisis and help us to tide over the troubled period with ease. But that person should be one who has shown uninihibited love towards you and with him/her you can share anything, repeat, anything under this world.

During these times of roadblocks, dead ends and detours, we often choose to ignore serene advice from our loved ones as we become a bit irritant. We tend to bury or ignore them. But this is not good. If you truly love her/him then you must trust her too, bcz you should understand that he/she loves you too and that through their power of love you can gain sufficient strength , they can bestow wisdom and knowledge expanding your vision of life.
Celebrating, mourning or wrestling with a life passage is an extraordinary act. Slow down and be in touch with your feelings and also with your loved ones. Be kind and loving to yourself and to the person you really love. Act from your spirit and heart and don’t forget to be in touch with them.

1 comment:

AlkaPriyadarshini said...

Life's crisis dont come with announcement.In fact ,all of us regularly face pleasant and disturbing events in life.In both condition we wish there would be someone to empathise with us especially so when we face troubling times.Truly, an intimate friend can be valuable in providing true concern, affection ,wisdom and also emotional support to move over initial period of sorrow , frustration and anger.mainly ,such friend can act as pillar of strength by undermining the effect of crisis in life and boosting one's morale and also be soulmate which we all seek knowingly or unknowingly...

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