Monday 30 November 2009

Rare Personality

PERSONALITY is one of those SPECIAL things which cannot be compressed into a few words. When we think of certain individuals who have GREAT personality, we are at once made aware that no two personalities are alike . One impresses by charm n beauty, another by the sense of power, another by the grace of manner, another by the DEGREE of intellect, and still another by the sense of HUMANITY and finally another exhibiton of positive attitude.But no personality has all of these (?) that is what is normally said. But if you find a personality that combines all in one - what you will say? miracle- yahi na ! but miracles do happen and certainly I know one who combines all the above traits.
She is really beautiful and intellegent n intellectual and combines all the traits described above. her beauty is of different kind- stunning n awsome. She is a very friendly person who always keeps others happy.u can learn many things from her. U will come to know once u become closer to her, till then u will think she is so so ..but she is not. she takes everything coolly.

Personality, to be attractive, must have in it the element which makes it plain that the particular quality which creates it is not used against our fellowmen. We may admire a powerful personality, but if we feel that its power is used selfishly, we fear it while we admire it. We may admire a charming person, let us say a woman, but if we feel that the charm is a veil for faithlessness we dislike her, much though we admire the charm.
The average girl would rather have beauty than brains because she knows the average man can see much better than he can think. But i know she never display her beauty to her advantage. That makes her very very special.SHE IS a SWEET N CUTE FRIEND OF MINE

Your beautiful eyes stare right into my .. eyes

and sometimes i think of you late at night
I don't know why

Monday 23 November 2009

Test Cricket - are they becoming boring ?

The recently concluded test match between India and Srilanka at Ahmedabad has once again ignited the debate about future of test cricket."Test Cricket is no longer favorite of crowds"- this view is now universally accepted.50-50 and 20-20 have replace it. Now if I say that TEST CRICKET IS PLAYED FOR RECORDS AND NOT FOR ENTERTAINING CROWD - it will not be wrong. Some traditonalists may disagree but I have many reasons to say that the Test Cricket is fast becoming obsolete and boring these days.

In comparision to ODIs and T20s there are not many spectators in the ground to watch the dull and lifeless proceedings of a test match. I often see players playing at their leisure, blocking each ball or leaving out the outswingers, which would have easily been despatch our of the ground by our own Shewag or Yousuf Pathan, if it were either ODI or T20. There is hardly any enthusiasm in the field either.

The players looked tired while changing sides. Just lethargy all round. Even the two batsmen in the middle hardly show any enthusiasm or interest. It appeared that they were playing not for the crowd but to cement their place in the side or for records. fanfare and enthusiasm are completely lacking in test matches.

In the past, People used to wait in que right from the middle of the night to get their tickets, some sleeping on the platform and some even used to bring blankets with them along with food. That was the craze or enthusiasm for the game. When the match started from the first day onwards the stadium would be full to the capacity for all the five days, barring a day break in-between.

When India and Pakistan played either in Lahore of Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai, there was jubiliation all over. It was a festive like atmosphere in both the countries. Everyone used to be concerned about the match whether he is a small boy or 80 years old man or woman. Such was the enthusiasm and importance attached to the Test Cricket those good olden days. Now today every thing has changed.

First it was the advent of One Day World Cup matches staged in England or Kerry Packers colour revolution that all brought changes to the game of cricket. But then, Test matches still continued to draw a huge crowd, as there were very few ODIs and more Test matches played.

Then the frequency of ODI matches brought new flavour to the entire game of cricket. The instant cricket or big hitting game produced many young cricketers who became instant heroes. The game became popular and drew more and more sponsors. The game was commercialised. From a dull Test match to a very vibrant game of ODI all changed the interest of the people. Test cricket started waning.

Then came another shortened form of game. It was T20 matches. It became still popular and drew the youth to the game. Never before opportunities wide opened for the upcoming cricketers. The young and old started enjoying this game. This shorteened form of game produced many heroes and people started identifying themselves with them. This sent Test cricket to the background further. The T20 World Cups and IPL all hastened the demise of the interest in Test cricket.

Those days, people had enough time to watch the game of Test Cricket. But then the changes in the very form of the game was responsible for making the game of Test cricket a dull and boring affair.

Notwithstanding the records made or broken, Test Cricket is at a crucial stage. It would be sooner than later, the Test Cricket would be slowly disbanded. There would be more ODIs and T20s than Test Cricket. After some time, even ODI would also loose its sheen giving way to abridged T20 form of game. It would not be a surprise or wonder, if this game is further reduced or shortened as T10 matches.

People cannot waste their time going to Test venues to watch a dull game for four or five days, notwithstanding the result it would produce or the performance of the individuals. But then enough is enough. It's time to say good-bye to Test Cricket. Sooner it is better for the game.

Thursday 19 November 2009

Mind taking a break and relationship

Resuming blogging after a short break... Brain cells tire out thinking a lot of topics and weighing the advantages of one topic against the other! So they badly needed a break!
After a long long time, I'm having something that I never had for years - a blank mind. Absolutely deprived of any thoughts, any purpose and any confusions...
Some kind of thought always occupies my mind - be it philosophy, spirituality, family, relationships, self analysis, work, career, something... something has always been there. I always had something to say... something to share.. But now a days I do feel that my mind is a bit blank, devoid of any serious thinking..
Sometimes the confusing problems come back to the mind, and I become further frustrated. Thinking about something else for a while relieves the mind from the pressures of the problems.
When I say thinking about something relieves me, it only means the beautiful relationship which I have developed. I know that thinking about this makes me cool , n calm. I just think about this relationship and I feel that ecerything is fine for me , that this relationship reiterates that I have lost nothing , that so much good things are waiting for me. so no doubt I am lucky having such a perfect friend.
It is not easy to develop perfect relationship. In my view relationship can be lifelasting only when both partners know the weakness of each other and are even ready for a fight on issues they differ. Such "fighting" only strenghtens their bonding of friendship.
Many relationships fail because one person tries to overpower another, or demands too much. People in love tend to think that love will conquer all and their partner will change the bad habits . It is easier to reshape a mountain or a river than a person's character. Thus, having high expectation will cause disappointment and unpleasantness.
It would be less painful to change ourselves and lower our expectations..

"Good Life starts only when you stop wanting a better One"

Sunday 15 November 2009

Life Moments

EVERY MOMENTS OF LIFE SHOULD BE ENJOYED- This has become mantra of the day. In my view "enjoying" life is a new concept perhaps borrowed from west. If we look at our own culture, we will find that more importance has been given to live life in a disciplined and dignified manner then to simply explore the ways for enjoyment. as per Hindu mythology the human life is also seen as four Ashramas .They are Brahmacharya, Grihasthya, Vanaprastha and Sanyasa. The first quarter of one's life, brahmacharya is spent in celibate, sober and pure contemplation of life's secrets under a Guru, building up body and mind for the responsibilities of life. Grihastya is the householder's stage, in which one marries and satisfies kama and artha within a married life and professional career. Vanaprastha is gradual detachment from the material world, ostensibly giving over duties to one's sons and daughters, and making holy pilgrimages. Finally, in sanyasa, the individual goes off into seclusion, to find God through meditation and peacefully shed the body for the next life. But that is mythology - no longer valid in todays technolgy driven world. there is nothing wrong if we desire pleasure in our life.
But if some things make life pleasant, others make it miserable.Every day of our lives are filled with miracles large or small. Also, every day of our lives will find work, hardship and pain.This is life. Some days are joyful while others bring on tears of sadness.we should embrace each day with humility.We should make up your mind to be happy. Find pleasure in simple things. What I mean that we should not always strive for enjoying the life but should always try to do something meaningful in life.
Often we are fearful of criticism. But the fact is you can’t please everyone. So don’t let your critics run and ruin your life. The more you accomplish, the more resistance you will meet. Don’t borrow trouble. Imaginary problems are heavier than actual ones.
There are many ways we can make our life meaningful like:
Avoid people who make you unhappy.
Don’t hold postmortems– over your mistakes.
Do what you can for those less fortunate than you;
especially for those who have blessed your life

Keep busy. A busy person doesn’t have time to be very unhappy.
One should be strong enough to face this world everyday with confidence.At the sametime one should know his/her weakness so that they can make them strong enough to handle their problems. One should be willing to share his/her joys with their loved ones as by sharing these small moments the happiness get doubles.
And above all one should love the person who loves him/her and should give other the same respect
Work hard for those things you want in life....then take pride in your accomplishments and thank God for His help.
If you are unhappy, look inside yourself because that is where you will find true happiness. You may not be able to change circumstances but you CAN control how you handle them.
Be content with who you are and what you have but always strive for more.

Be clean.....of mind....heart......soul.....and body of course.
This is the way can really LIVE LIVELY every moments of life. And this is the real enjoyment!

Friday 6 November 2009

Anger n love

While a man was polshing his new car , his four year old son picked a stone and scratched lines on the side of car . In anger , the man took the child's hand & hit it many times , not realizing he was using a wrench .
At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures . When the child saw his father with painful eyes he asked 'dad when will be my fingers grow back ? That man was so hurt & speechless. He went back to the car and kicked it many times . Devastated by his own actions sitting the front of the car he looked at the scratches and realised that child had written 'LOVE YOU DAD ' Next day that man commited suicide.
Anger and Love has no limits .......always remember that things are to be used & people are to be loved . But the problem is in today's world is that ,people are being used & things are loved ................
It is said that for every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness. sometime anger can really damage you horrible .
तो क्या हमें एकबार अपने दिल से नहीं सोंचना चाहिए कि क्रोध हमेशा नुकसान ही पहुंचता है और साथ ही साथ रिश्तों को हमें हमेशा मजबूत करना चाहिए. जब मै सासाराम में रहता हूँ तो इसपर अक्सर चिंतन और मनन करता रहता हूँ
Now just one more:
girl and guy were speeding over 100 mph on a motorcycle)
Girl: Slow down. Im scared.
Guy: No this is fun.
Girl: No its not. Please, its too scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug. (Girl hugs him)
Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on? Its bugging me.
In the paper the next day: A motorcycle had crashed into a building
because of break failure. Two people were on the motorcycle, but only
one survived.
The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his
breaks broke, but he didn't want the girl know about it . Instead, he had her say she loved him, but felt her hug one last time, then he gave his
helmet to her so she would live even though it meant he would die.
if u r really loving someone frm ur heart.....