Tuesday 1 December 2009

Friendship/Love is not a simple thing

दोस्ती या प्यार जो भी नाम दें यह संच है कि कुछ रिश्ते नायाब होते हैं और इसमें भी कोई दो राय नहीं कि रिश्तों में अपेक्छाओं का होना भी स्वाभाविक है | मन काफी दुखी होता है जब ऐसा नहीं हो पता है | जब कभी आपके इर्द गिर्द का पर्यावरण आपके मनोनुकूल होता है तो सब आपसे अछा वैव्हार करते हैं सब आपकी बड़ाई करते हैं , सब आपका गुणगान करते हैं, सब आपके पास आपके मनलायक बातें भी करते हैं, आपको लगता है सब कुछ बहुत अच्छा है, सब अच्छे हैं और सबके लिए आप अच्छे हैं | In order to run the show everybody just give you all the kinds of importance which you desrve or even desire. And you get a feeling of being in a position of power, doing all the things as per your conveniance. Nothing wrong in this as one should live in present and should enjoy life as it is available to him. But just a minute if the situation turns just unfavourable for you who remains beside you- only those persons who love you by heart, truly by heart. कभी ऐसा भी होता है जब हर कोई आपसे बात तक करने में सावधानी बरतने लगता है, लोग आपसे कन्नी काटने लगते हैं | आपको तंग करने के लिए साजिशें भी रची जाने लगती हैं और हर कोई सहानुभूति तो दर्शा सकता है पर उसके आगे शायद हीं वो कुछ करे | पर जो आपसे प्यार करते हैं वो तमाम बिपरीत परिस्थितिओं में भी आपके साथ रहते हैं, इस बात कि परवाह नहीं करते हैं कि आपके साथ के साहचर्य से लोग नाराज़ भी हो सकते हैं | ऐसे लोग दिल से आपके करीब होते हैं | यह आपका फ़र्ज़ है कि उनकी भावनाओं का ख्याल रखा जाए | भले ही ऐसी स्थिति में आपको कुछ अप्रिय स्थिति का सामना करना पड़े कुछ परेशानिओं का सामना करना पड़े | दिल के रिश्ते साधारण नहीं होते और न ही एक दो दिन में हर किसी के साथ बिकसित हो सकते हैं| If you cant spare some exclusive qualtiy time for your loved one then all the words are simply futile and meaningless. whatever may be the compulsion you are dutybound to act according to wishes of your "Friend". If you are not mentally prepared for this ,better a temporary pause button should be pressed in your relationship .


AlkaPriyadarshini said...

all kind of relationships r bound to pass thru ups n downs,simply bcoz they r formed not between robots but amongst human beings who act n react differently to same situation at different times!! true close relations dont develop in few days nor do they end in few days -a true relation is one which passes test of time.the emotional attachment in any relationship helps to nurture it .however sometimes it can also lead to questioning ,arguements etc bcoz people feel they r close enuf.if both give such allowance to each other due to friendship/love they will be able to take all in their stride.but if both r not equal in relationship then instead of emotional attachment ,emotional manipulation will the core of relation n the outcome will be disastrous.any friendship /love should be strengthend by emotional bonding N not emotional bondage.
both people should try to find time for each other n make for the time they cant be together.but if the answer to emotional compatibility is NO ,THEN WHY STOP WITH 'TEMPORARY' PAUSE?

Rajiw said...

Correct that we tend to question more and become more argumentative in a close and emotional relationship but if one person in such kind of relationship finds that that his partner is not giving enough time to him despite the fact that he has been so desperate to pass some exclusive time with her in order to get som relaxation, in return he is getting more and more tension. Insuch case if he is suggesting temporay pause it never means he is going for emotional manipulation. In my view emotinal manipulation is a kind of scene where one partner try to change the behaviour of his friend thru display of emotions- true or false whatever may be. But if one person isseggesting temporay pause then it means that he need time to change himself as per his friends habits . He just do not wish to make her change herself and spare more time for him.he may be feeling thatover a period of time he will be able to adjust suitably- and he donot wish any more tension. So there should be pause- a temporary one bcz he knows that some relations are for lifetime. In such case what he should suggest other then this- a fullstop?

AlkaPriyadarshini said...

as said earlier close relationships imply emotional bonding n not emotional bondage.true friends respect n luv other for whatever they r n never wish that their friend should talk,think , act or change according to them.but they do help in bettering of personality.when we eagerly try to make friend happy by acting according to his wishes it is due to love towards him n not due to any other consideration.one feels happy when friend is happy n sad when friend is disturbed. a friend always tries to make other happy. as an ad goes -we all change for the one we luv.
more than our brain our heart chooses the people with whom we get slowly close. i disagree that relations,that too close relations can be 'started' or 'stopped' or will. like-agar koi kisi relation me dhokha bhi khata hai to bhi use ro kar ya kos kar yaad karta hi hai jabtak samay use nahi bhula de.matlab khatam hone ke baad bhi relation marji se nahi 'stop' hota hai.then how can anyone'pause', 'ff' 'rewind' relation? i think natural feelings in any relation help both to give time to each other, care for each other n act as per friends wish.point to b thought is that will just taking time off'pause' or for that matter going 'fast forward' or 'stopping' will help in increasing emotional content of relation or just in increasing complcation?
if one gets tension instead of relaxation with friends ,instead of going in shell or thinking about changing himself or friend he should deal issue with friend.close relations mean we can say what we feel at the moment,without fear of being judged.

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