Tuesday 9 March 2010


    International Women’s Day  is marked on the 8th of March every year. It is a major day of global celebration of women. The focus of the celebrations ranges from general celebration of respect, appreciation and love towards women to a celebration for women’s economic, political and social achievements.
   There is no doubt women have strongest influence on us. However, the "battle" of the sexes is as old as the hills. In patriarchal societies, women are conditioned to accept men as the superior sex. But awareness, education, and life's struggles have led women to shed their inhibitions. Great women leaders, artists, scientists, and other professional women have inspired other women to overcome social obstacles. However, the course of womens empowerment is not smooth and hassle free. Our society still remains heavley in favour of males. Look, what happened yesterday? A historic bill on womens reservation could not be passed in Rajyasabha. Reason? Was it due to resistence from some opposition members? NO, The fact is that ruling party failed to show the courage at crucial moment. There is undercurrent that large number of MPs from ruling party are against this. So I strongly feel that now only a miracle can save this bill.
  A society based on equal opportunity for both sexes is what we deserve. Unfortunately, even empowered and liberated girls and women are subjected to various kinds of injustice on the ground of gender. Many people still prefer a beautiful face over a beautiful brain. It will not be too much  if I say that for large number of men a beautiful woman's face is like chocolate, cash or cocaine . they feel happy to be in company of a beautiful face and never try to recognise that many times an ugly face may have beautiful brain. This kind of behaviour has led to a system wher a girl or woman try to display her beauty in order to get recognision. And that is real discrimination. We need a society where beauty of physcical body should become meaningless and merit should be only criteria for judging a girl or woman.

Until women and girls are liberated from exploitation and injustice, all our dream of  peace, security and  sustainable development stand in jeopardy.

 But we are living in 21st century. A lot has changed and I hope that sooner or later a society based truly on equal opportunity for both sexes will emerge. Happy womens day to all.


AlkaPriyadarshini said...

mental bondage is more heavy and suppressive than any chain.woman,snd man also need to realise that woman is not just a female form,it is a living being and should be treated without discrimation on ground of her sex.
thanx for showing sensibility .

Rajiw said...

Although the women's reservation bill ultimately got thru Rajya Sabha, the form of undemocratic type of resistance in a democratic forum clearly shows the deep rooted feeling of biasness against women. So hurdles are many and it will take TIME for womenfolk to get complete equality in society.At present we must closely watch the fate of women's reservation bill. If this is enacted in a law, it will be a historic achievement.

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