Thursday 24 June 2010

Some emerging thoughts

So this month is proving to be much more difficult than previous one. I was thinking about it, and actually that i have been so blessed over the last few years that i haven't really been faced with a lot of emotional things. I'm not sure how to describe it,
 Life changing really.

It's been tough.

But as i sit here and write this entry, I also have a calming feeling in my heart. I have learned a lot of valuable lessons this year.  Some, as collected by me, are as follow:

Love has nothing to do with looks, but everything to do with time, trust, and interest.

Laughing, crying, joy and anger… All are a vital. All make us human.

The greatest truths in life are uncovered with simple, steady awareness.

Bad things do happen to good people.

Uncertainty is caused by a lack of knowledge.

Time heals all wounds… regardless of how you feel right now.

Your health is your life.

Chance is a gift, so act on chance when given the opportunity.

Kindness and hard work will take you further than intelligence.

Carelessness is the root of failure

Purposely ignoring the obvious is like walking backwards toward the enemy.

Taking ownership of failure builds the foundation for success.

It is said that life happens in a blink of an eye, enjoy it, accept the hardships, embrace the joys, and feel every moment... its those feelings that are the sweet stuff of life. Because what is important in life is the LOVE and PEOPLE, and when these two converge.


AlkaPriyadarshini said...

Emerson said-make the most of yourself ,for that is all there is of you. really a profound get only 1 life n so make most of it. all sweet and sour moments , all good n evil forces experienced, all lost glory and found success , all hard learnt lessons of life,should be dealt with firm belief in oneself and life;s miracalous waysof unfolding itself.And remember-miracles happen only to them who believe in miracle!!

AlkaPriyadarshini said...

Emerson said-make the most of yourself ,for that is all there is of you. really a profound get only 1 life n so make most of it. all sweet and sour moments , all good n evil forces experienced, all lost glory and found success , all hard learnt lessons of life,should be dealt with firm belief in oneself and life;s miracalous waysof unfolding itself.And remember-miracles happen only to them who believe in miracle!!

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