Tuesday 26 July 2011

Attitude, Skill and Knowledge

If we want to be successful in our life, what we should do ? In other words what makes us a winner ..
whether he / she is a singer, an artist, a student, a teacher or a business man or any other professional you think of…………some say hardwork, some say talent,  Some say tapping opportunity and yet some will  give credit to luck etec etc……lots of things to say……..we can keep on talking on this ... some what never ending arguments.
But in my view, only three things are required for becoming a champion. These are:
Knowledge, Skills and Attitude……..Knowledge plays its role as of foundation, basic building block and also supports the other two pillars……skills help in doing things effectually and plays a very visible role in  becoming competent (like communication and presentation skills help in convincing others and taking the edge)……..Attitude plays a front line role and is a major driver for converting potential energy into Kinetic energy…….if you have K and S but negative A then still a lot remains to be done for achieving success. That’s why one must have something to do to get the attitude right…..whether one is a student, teacher, sportsman, doctor, engineer, scientist; good thing about attitude is, in every field almost the same sort of attitude (positive) required to achieve success…
It is rightly said that “ATTITUDE DRIVES TO ALTITUDE”

And in my view what is also very important is fact that we can develop these qualities at any age.Gaining knowledge, attaining attitude and developing skill is a continuous process . Let us focus on these to make our life more meaningful and successful.

1 comment:

AlkaPriyadarshini said...

True,skill,knowledge and attitude all are necessary if we want to continously progress in life.lack of even one will cause hinderence in personal and professional development.

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