Wednesday 2 October 2013

Remembering Gandhi

Today is the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi- One of the greatest human ever born in this world.
        People in India look upon Gandhi in two ways; first he has got freedom for this country and second his policy and thinking is the root cause of many problems of this country.

          Many people believe that Gandhi was too soft on muslims , He did not follow impartial principle w.r.t. communal harmony and that in spite of the Pakistani aggression in Kashmir, #Gandhiji fasted to compel the government of India to release an amount of Rs. 55 crores due to Pakistan in 1948. If  nation was divided on the basis of religion, it should have reflected in Indian polity too.And then perhaps , we were not facing the kind of communal divide as exist today. His thinking on mode of development is outdated in present context.

       Some of above facts may be correct, but I view Gandhi from a different perspective. Gandhi gave this world something which is unparallelled in the history of human civilization. He gave us a too of non violence which is highly effective in pursuing justified demands. What Gandhi preached , he followed them whole heartedly. 

      Gandhijee said  :"The world will live in peace , only when the individuals composing it make up their minds to do so".

      Undoubtedly each and every person or we should say every citizen of the global family, ought to be committed to peace in today's human predicament , caused by conflicts due to Ideological Extremism, Religious Fundamentalism, Misguided Nationalism, Economic Injustice and Inequality. Violation of Human Rights, Suppression of Freedoms,  Population Explosion, Racial and Ethnic Discrimination, etc.
   Gandhi recognized .the potentiality of these various kinds of conflict as occasions to contemplate over the confirmed problems and also as opportunity to search peaceful means to resolve them, because of his positive attitude . To achieve simultaneously the negative aim of conflict situation  and the positive aim of establishing peace, Gandhi propounded his philosophy of peace. The need of ours is to proclaim again and again the significance of Gandhian principles to solve crucial problems of conflicts and violence.
Gandhi's approach had always been Holistic as human life is a synthetic whole, which can not be divided into watertight compartments of social , religious, political life etc. 
Gandhi may not be remebered as the greatest statesman but certainly his life was itself so pious that we can follow blindly what he practiced in his personal life. Following personal life of Gandhi will , no doubt, help in character building of individual, society and nation. His economic policies may not be practical today but if we follow Gandhi's principle of truth and non violence in our day to day life , then most conflict situations will simply vanish.
This is the way , we should remember Gandhi.


AlkaPriyadarshini said...

balanced views...Gandhi sought harmony and constant betterment in person and society.Hence continous experiments

Rajiw said...


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