Wednesday 12 August 2009

Time Management

Most of people often complain that they fail to fulfil their commitment due to lack of time. That is really shocking because everyone knows that we have been given 24 hour cycle and our life have to be adjusted into this and not vice versa. So it is really important to work smart then just to work hard.Only hard work may or may not give you desired result but smart work, it is gurrented. Let me quote from a article read just a few days ago- Ensure that you will be working smart, not just hard. Donot go fishing at the bathtub. Donot try to work up lather in a running stream.Instead, fish in a stream and work up lather in a bathtub. Set and evaluate your goals, estimate the quantum and quality of efforts to be invested in attaining the goals. Calculate the ROI(Return on investment)quotient carefully and then, and if you are convinced that the ratio is satisfactory, go ahead and work towards your goals. that is smart work and intelligent effort.
We have many desires and targets. We donot always gets what we want. Some of us are happy with what we get and others remain dissatisfied. Still others donot give up.Now the question is which approach is right one?
In a wider perspective, let us see in this way. You can have a desire. Put in your best effort to fulfil it. But make sure you enjoy the effort rather then its fruits. There are those who make the effort grumbling and are happy only when the desired is achieved. There are others who exhaust themselves making the effort to such a degree that they have no strength or enthusiam left to enjoy the fruit. The best way is however , enjoy the effort no matter what the effect.
It is always better to celebrate the march towards destination. If the destination is reached , we will be happy. If not, nobody can take away the sense of thrill at having run the race!Happiness should be derived not from reaching a goal but from strugle of attempt at reaching this goal. For example, playing cricket is one kind of joy, winning is another kind. So even if you lose the game no one can snatch from you the joy of playing the game. So one should enjoy the travel, enjoy the endeavour no matter what the result is.


AlkaPriyadarshini said...

It is true that each of us get only 24 hours in a day and we have to manage all our affairs in that time work and intelligent effort surely help to finish work on time and feel satisfied at the end of day by covering variety of activities.However ,I feel that ther is some difference between 'all work has been done'and 'i have done work to my satisfaction'.work should be done not as taking of burden but sonething which polishes our skill,satisfies sense of responsibility and most important gives us pleasure.Really the feeling of enjoyment felt during doing a desired action is more than result.

Rajiw said...

You are correct and I think basic essence of view has also been the same. If one has to enjoy his efforts then he must do his work to his satisfaction. thanx

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