Sunday 15 November 2009

Life Moments

EVERY MOMENTS OF LIFE SHOULD BE ENJOYED- This has become mantra of the day. In my view "enjoying" life is a new concept perhaps borrowed from west. If we look at our own culture, we will find that more importance has been given to live life in a disciplined and dignified manner then to simply explore the ways for enjoyment. as per Hindu mythology the human life is also seen as four Ashramas .They are Brahmacharya, Grihasthya, Vanaprastha and Sanyasa. The first quarter of one's life, brahmacharya is spent in celibate, sober and pure contemplation of life's secrets under a Guru, building up body and mind for the responsibilities of life. Grihastya is the householder's stage, in which one marries and satisfies kama and artha within a married life and professional career. Vanaprastha is gradual detachment from the material world, ostensibly giving over duties to one's sons and daughters, and making holy pilgrimages. Finally, in sanyasa, the individual goes off into seclusion, to find God through meditation and peacefully shed the body for the next life. But that is mythology - no longer valid in todays technolgy driven world. there is nothing wrong if we desire pleasure in our life.
But if some things make life pleasant, others make it miserable.Every day of our lives are filled with miracles large or small. Also, every day of our lives will find work, hardship and pain.This is life. Some days are joyful while others bring on tears of sadness.we should embrace each day with humility.We should make up your mind to be happy. Find pleasure in simple things. What I mean that we should not always strive for enjoying the life but should always try to do something meaningful in life.
Often we are fearful of criticism. But the fact is you can’t please everyone. So don’t let your critics run and ruin your life. The more you accomplish, the more resistance you will meet. Don’t borrow trouble. Imaginary problems are heavier than actual ones.
There are many ways we can make our life meaningful like:
Avoid people who make you unhappy.
Don’t hold postmortems– over your mistakes.
Do what you can for those less fortunate than you;
especially for those who have blessed your life

Keep busy. A busy person doesn’t have time to be very unhappy.
One should be strong enough to face this world everyday with confidence.At the sametime one should know his/her weakness so that they can make them strong enough to handle their problems. One should be willing to share his/her joys with their loved ones as by sharing these small moments the happiness get doubles.
And above all one should love the person who loves him/her and should give other the same respect
Work hard for those things you want in life....then take pride in your accomplishments and thank God for His help.
If you are unhappy, look inside yourself because that is where you will find true happiness. You may not be able to change circumstances but you CAN control how you handle them.
Be content with who you are and what you have but always strive for more.

Be clean.....of mind....heart......soul.....and body of course.
This is the way can really LIVE LIVELY every moments of life. And this is the real enjoyment!

1 comment:

AlkaPriyadarshini said...

life is certainly bigger than all the happy n sad events it encompasses.while going thru all phases if we remember that getting human life is itself a blessing ,we will learn to enjoy life in all its phases.

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