Saturday 20 February 2010

Fear and Hatred

It has been told to me that fear and hatred both are inter related. I just wish to give a thought over it. In my view both fear and hatred are fuelled by our mind and are often cause of most of our miseries.They disturb creative force of our mind, corrupt our thinking process , finally leading to unhappiness and even suffering.
Fear drives us to acquire power, feeling that if we can dominate, we will be secure. But this kind of power can become perverse and is often due to our insecurities. The more powerful we become, the more we worry about someone else becoming powerful. The Cold War between America and the Soviet Union is a classic example of how fear drives towards madness.Fear leads only to an unending sense of insecurity, of not having enough, of not being 'the best'.
Many of our fears may appear less dramatic, but they may not be less destructive. Some people spend their entire life fearful that they will not meet someone else's standards. Even office gossip has its roots in fear. If we can make others look small, and by so doing make ourselves look better, we compensate for the fear of being unimportant.
Most of us think that if we were only richer, prettier, stronger, taller, slimmer-or if we had a better job, bigger car, bigger house, more friends, nice lovers, more respect -the adjectives are almost endless-then we wouldn't fear anything, and we would be happy.In my view that is not correct.
Often fear is not created by a lack of things, it is created by how we think. If you have the habit of worrying, it doesn't matter who you are, what you have, or what you do, you will worry because that is the habit of your mind. This useless habit is one of the biggest causes of unhappiness. And yet it has become so much a part of our life that we even think that fear is a natural part of human life.
And due to this we suffer from guilt, and find fault with ourselves, condemn ourselves for not living up to our own or someone else's expectations. That often leads to hatred towards someone or may even lead to self hatred. This self hatred particularly can be very dangerous in destructing a person's personality.
It has been said that"Hate is the consequence of fear; we fear something before we hate it". Hate is an emotion of intense revulsion and enmity for a person or a thing. The emotion of hate is a feeling of dislike so strong that it demands action.And action due to fear and hate culminates into conflicts . When we are engaged in conflicts it leads to unnecessery stress and tension.But at the same time since you cannot control other persons behaviour, you have to face this hatred. This is unavoidable in todays world and we have to develop habit of living in situation full of hatred.
However,It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.It's a sign of your own worth sometimes if you are hated by some people.


AlkaPriyadarshini said...

fear may be one of animal instincts-birds keep vigil on their nest for fear of its destruction,tigers on their hunt,child fears fire once it accidently touches it ,grown ups fear 'pink slip'lest their income is lost n so on..BUT hate is not natural feeling'it is mostly byproduct of negative feelings like enemity,jealousy,fear etc. Interdependant Combination of fear and hate makes one loose positivity and degrades to abominable thoughts n actions.U r right in saying that inferiority,insecurity,envy n desire to show off etc.main reasons leading to fear.a person feeling worthless or inadequate fears that he won't be able to stand on his own and tries to cover it up in various ways and begins to hate others for what they are or what they,it is mostly fear of other's worth that leads to hatred.Fear can be caused by many factors including hatred,BUT Hate is 99% caused by fear .If we r self confident ,if we feel capable ot tackling problems,we wont fear even our adversaries or those who r unlike us.Then we will be able to deal with them without indulging in hatred.
Another point is also noteworthy -it is better to be hated for what you are than to present a false picture to gain praise .IF we r not thinking or doing evil,if we r correct in our own eyes ,then there is no need of seeking support from others.As both liking n disliking can be got on flimsy ground ,why give it unneccessary weightage.we r best when we r real selves n every person should try to develop courage to be himself and make others accept him as he is .

Rajiw said...

What you have written is really good.It is true that fear is the main ,if not the only, cause of hatred. As English critic Cynil conolly has rightly written: "Hate is the consequence of fear; we fear something before we hate it; a child who fears noises becomes a man who hates noise ".
Fear of failure is one of the greatest fears people have. Fear of failure is closely related to fear of criticism and fear of rejection. We should overcome this fear of failure through positive state of mind and thru hard work and not by developing hatred towards other person. Exhibiting fear and hatred ultimately reflect poor side of our personality.

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