Saturday 5 September 2009

Eyes are Windows to the Soul

I have just read a beautifull novel - Kite Runner - by Khaleed Housseni. In this novel a character named Ali has facial paralysis due to which he cannot move his any facial muscles leading to absence of any kind of facial expression. Even his voice has distorted to a level that he cannot express emotions in his voice. But still through his eyes, yes only through his eyes, he was able to exhibit his feelings and emotions. This is really soul touching. And so it has been rightly said that " EYES ARE WINDOWS TO THE SOUL"
Eyes are windows to the soul, because they express so much that we can see inside of a person through watching his/her eyes. When a baby is born, one of the first things she recognizes and enjoys focusing on is the human face! Part of what is so compelling is the eyes.

See if you can express an emotion through your eyes without moving any other part of your face! Which moveable parts are the most expressive? What is expressed when nothing moves on your face?

We wear masks every day as we relate to people we meet. We may not always want everyone to know our true feelings, or we may not even know them ourselves! One of the ways that we keep our inner selves hidden is through the contradiction of what our faces are saying and what our bodies are saying. But here again Eyes never lie !
Through your facial expression you may hide your real emotions but if I look deep inside your eyes , I know what you are feeling. Whether you are a bit uneasy, a bit tense , very happy but trying to conceal yr happiness publicly so and so.......
I was once a bit terrible mess. I never paid much attention to her at all. It is only after a incident which unsettled me that I just give a full good look at her eyes. I found them so kind full of love for me. All the pains which I was going through, her eyes said - I share your pain - This was enough for me to cool myself.

Her eyes radiate a kind of calm n happiness even in adverse time ! Her eyes always look for good in me.

A friend is someone who knows the song of your heart and who can sing it for you when you have forgotten it. Thanx for being like that.

1 comment:

AlkaPriyadarshini said...

Really,ankhen to dil ki juban hai.They say what we feel ignoring our facial expression,our body language and even our saying!THEY DONT TAKE ORDERS FROM ANYONE,JUST FOLLOW THE HEART.Thats why many people use various methods to hide their true feelings;avoiding eye contact,hiding behind linguitic jargon or better still keeping a curtain over them.However ,in any case if any pair of eyes have sufficient power n interest ,they would be able to gauge true feelings from other pair.It is interesting to know that only those eyes which have deep love and purity in them are able to find feelings in others...

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